Just a little note: Why update a blog?

Since me and Aimee are currently processing our enrollment in UP.. (and I think she's already done and I envy her haha XD), we'll just try our very best to update the blog :D

Why? Why update?
For readership?
For traffic?
Having readers is like someone has visited a museum---just looked and appreciate the art work (or criticize it)--  it's a great feeling to the artist, what more if the artist were given an award too? The artist would never fail to thank everyone who viewed his art exhibit. Well in fact, those artworks were the expression of the artist's feelings.
Just like blogging,
we write what we think we are,
what we feel,
expressing our thoughts
to our personal space
with our loyal readers and visitors.

Just a little note I picked from Personal Time box by Papemelroti

Don't be afraid to start a blog, whether it's a personal or a lifestyle one like Charmed :D
Be free to tell the cyber world who you are... but also limit what they should know. :)

Happy Blogging!


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