Quick Post! Two Giveaways Won in a Day

Hello Charmed people!

I'll just post a quick one! I need to go home right away (FYI: I'm in my Tita's house and making use of their Wi-Fi) Just want to share my two winnings for the day! How's that! :D

First, from Scene Stealer X Lazada blog giveaway!

P.S. You can follow me on Twitter, @Charmed_MoMo

I just won a camera strap plus memory cards!
Unluckily, I don't have a SLR camera yet....

Next is the Nuffnang X Kojie San- Taken 2 Movie Screening!

I'm going to watch with my dad! He's looking forward to it lately. :D

That's all for tonight. I'm kinda BV tonight, but not so much, thanks there's Sherlock Holmes Series to the rescue! :D

'Til next!


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